Week 12: sponsor a child

Sponsoring a child in another country is one of the most rewarding things our family has done. We were introduced to Children's Hopechest through a work colleague and started sponsoring a girl, about the same age as our oldest daughter, through the organization about four years ago. One of the things we love most about this is that we can write letters to the girl we sponsor and she writes letters back -- so that's what we're doing this week! If you're interested in sponsoring a child, check out Children's Hopechest, World Vision or another reputable organization's sponsorship program.

Step 1: Research sponsorship programs and chose one that feels right to you. Then, get writing!

Time: 20 minutes to an hour to write your sponsored child a letter.

Supplies: Paper, crayons, pens

Cost: Although most of Give Back Together's projects are free or of very low cost, this will likely be $35-40 a month. More expensive but worth it -- the relationship we've built with our pen pal in Ethiopia is wonderful!


Let us know how it goes! Share photos of your letters with us using #GiveBackTogether on InstagramFacebook and Twitter.