Week 11: Plunge for Elodie

This week, we're joining Jessica Biel and taking the #PlungeforElodie! Elodie is a toddler who was born with a rare genetic disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa. EB causes skin to break or blister very easily. There are no cures or treatments. #PlungeforElodie raises awareness of EB and money for research to find a cure for Elodie and everyone who lives with this terrible disease. We love this campaign and hope you will too. All you have to do is plunge into water and make a donation at plungeforelodie.org  it's that easy. Here's our plunge on this cool March evening in Seattle:

Time: 10 minutes to an hour depends if you decide to fill a huge pool like us 

Supplies: Water! And something to hold it a pool, bathtub, etc.

Cost: A donation to EB Research Partnership at plungeforelodie.org

Deadline: Sunday, March 18

Share your videos with #PlungeforElodie and #HealEB on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to help spread the word about this cool campaign!