This month, we’re focused on ways we can help slow climate change. Here’s a video to explain more.
As you might have heard in the video, I said I talk about some amazing facts about climate change. First I will tell you a bit about it.Climate change is when the planet gets warmer.This is caused when fossil fuels are burned and go up into the atmosphere of air. Normaly the atmosphere lets sunlight in and traps heat, heating the planet up. But now the more gases up there, the more heat the atmosphere traps. Here are some facts about climate change…
In earths orbit there is128,000,000 pieces of space junk floting there!
in making one burger, use enogh water for all your showers for 2 moths if you usally takea 3 yers all your drinking water for 3 years and 4 months if you drink around 8 glasses a day and all your toilet flushes for 4months!