Weeks 14-23: trash, trash, trash, community events, made a blanket

We’ve slipped up on posting activities but have managed to do some great ones in the last few weeks, so here’s a summary!

Unfortunately, we always seem to find trash to pick up wherever we go so have kept busy with that. Need to start traveling with gloves as it’s becoming almost impossible to walk by any trash without the kids demanding we pick it up — which is great!

We also took part in some community events — runs and a triathlon — and did one of our favorite things, made something new (a blanket) out of something we were going to throw away (a ripped sweater).


One note: we’re going to restructure things a bit and move to monthly themes for Give Back Together with suggested activities for each month, the idea being that we all have busier weeks than others. This way, we’ll have activities at the start of the month and four weeks to complete them. Stay tuned for more on this and our new ambassador program!