Our kids could do arts and crafts all day long, so this is definitely one they have been looking forward to. Make Valentine's Day cards by cutting out giant hearts, sticking on red and pink stickers and signing your name — they don't have to be fancy! Drop cards off to loved ones living at an assisted living home to help spread the love in the run up to Valentine's Day.
Don't know anyone living in an assisted living home? We don't either — call a home near you and explain that you're part of a group that does weekly service projects. Ask if it's OK to drop off homemade Valentine's Day cards and visit for a short while with residents. Many residents don't get regular visitors, so chances are you'll get the green light for a visit.
Time: 2 to 4 hours
Supplies: construction paper, stickers, scissors, glitter, markers and/or crayons
Cost: $20 or less; use supplies you have at home to keep costs down
Deadline: Sunday, Feb. 11
We'd love to see your cards! If you're sharing them on social media, use #GiveBackTogether and tag us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Happy crafting!