Well, we did exactly what we said we wouldn’t when launching this project — dropped the ball on completing one simple activity every week that helps people and the world. We let our busy schedules get the best of us but are vowing to finish the year strong! We did play catch up and completed 16 projects over the last few months but are determined to get back to making it a weekly activity. Although many of our activities were repeats (clothes and toy giveaways, letter-writing campaigns, etc.), we did have some new ones. A few fantastic ones from Give Back Together director Keeley stand out, if you’d like to join us in completing these:
1) If you see someone standing by themselves, with no one to play with, play with them.
2) Wipe down diaper-changing stations so they are cleaner for the next person changing a baby.
We don’t have a photo to illustrate that first activity so here’s one of the second.
Look out for our next activity in the next few days — it’s a good one!