Week one: park clean-up

Happy new year! Join us every week as we complete a new challenge, a way to give back and help others, that people of all ages can complete together. Learn more about us or keep reading to find out about this week's challenge.

In this inaugural Give Back Together project, let's all go to a local park to clean it up. Choose one of your favorite parks, then head there for an hour or two to pick up trash. Wear gloves, bring a garbage bag and keep an eye on the little ones to make sure they don't pick up anything unsafe. Bundle up if it's cold and give yourselves a high-five knowing you've made somewhere you enjoy a little bit more beautiful!

Time: 1 to 2 hours

Supplies: gloves, garbage bags

Cost: under $10

Deadline: Sunday, Jan. 7

Tip: Your local park covered in snow? Skip the park and clean up a street close to home. You'll still be working together as a family to make a difference in your community -- the goal of Give Back Together!

And don't forget to check out our blog to see how you and your family could win Give Back Together t-shirts by participating in this week's challenge!

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